“Let’s Finally End With ‘Somehow It Will Be’!”

Architektoniczki were recently featured in an insightful interview for Culture.pl, where they discussed their innovative approach to urban design and the unique challenges faced by women in the field of architecture. The interview, titled “Let’s Finally End With ‘Somehow It Will Be’!”, highlighted the collective’s work in promoting inclusive and empathetic urban spaces.

During the conversation, Ewelina Jaskulska, Joanna Aleksandrowicz, and Honorata Grzesikowska shared their journey from working in traditional, male-dominated architectural offices to founding Architektoniczki, a group dedicated to rethinking how public spaces are designed. They discussed their concept of Equal Space Design, which focuses on creating urban environments that cater to the diverse needs of all residents, including marginalized communities such as women and the elderly.

One of the key themes of the interview was the role of architecture in healing. The group emphasized how public spaces, such as parks and pedestrian-friendly streets, can positively impact mental and physical well-being. They also explored the connection between urban design and environmental issues, calling for a reduction in car-dominated spaces and an increase in green areas to promote sustainability.

The interview reflects Architektoniczki’s broader mission to challenge traditional architectural paradigms and create cities that are truly inclusive. You can read the full interview on on Culture.pl 

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