
We, the Architektoniczki, Declare That We Do Not Know!

They knew.

They knew what an apartment should look like, what a street should look like,

They knew how a city should look, how the world should look… their world.

They set paradigms that we consciously or unconsciously follow to this day:

Objectivity. Lack of emotion. Unquestioning conformity.

To coexist, you must adapt. Because you are a woman! And you do this automatically. From birth!

We, the Architektoniczki, declare the end of architecture as a tool of grand narratives.

We, the Architektoniczki, go beyond the male-female dualism.

We, the Architektoniczki, see those who don’t fit into the default-male-dominated world and societal stereotypes.

We, the Architektoniczki, do not know, which is why we open the discussion, provoke, and ask questions.

We ask you what you feel when you’re on the street. We ask you how you navigate the streets. We ask you about your spatial choices.

The city cannot just be for women—it must be for women!

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