‘How to End the Fight for the Streets’ panel in Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw

In December 2022, Ewelina Jaskulska, representing Architektoniczki, participated in a thought-provoking panel discussion titled “Jak zakończyć walkę o ulice?” (How to End the Fight for the Streets) at the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw (MSN). This event, part of the Warszawa w Budowie festival, focused on the feminist perspective of urban street spaces, particularly addressing how public streets are often designed to prioritize certain groups, such as car users and men, while neglecting others, like pedestrians, women, and marginalized communities.

Jaskulska, along with other panelists, discussed how the design of public spaces affects people’s sense of safety and belonging. She highlighted how feminist urbanism can reshape cities to be more inclusive, ensuring streets serve everyone equally, regardless of gender, age, or social status. Drawing from Architektoniczki’s research, including their work on Equal Space Sequence, she emphasized the need for urban design that prioritizes accessibility, safety, and community well-being over traditional, car-centric models.

This discussion was part of a broader conversation on how cities can become more empathetic and inclusive by addressing the diverse needs of all residents.

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