Is the first cooperative of feminist architecture and urban planning in Poland, composed of specialists and specialists in order to create equal spaces based on proprietary research methodology
Have coined the phrase equal rights space which has never been in the polish dictionary of architecture and urban planning
We, Architektoniczki announce that we don't know! They knew.
They knew how an apartment should look like, they knew how a street should look like,
they knew what a city should look like, what the world should look like...
Their World.
They established paradigms that we -consciously or not -follow today.
Subjectivity. Emotionality. Reflectiveness.
To co-exist, you have to adapt. Because you are a woman! And you do it automatically. Since birth!
We, Architektoniczki announce the end of architecture as a tool for great narratives.
We, Architektoniczki go beyond the male-female dualism.
We, Architektoniczki see people who don't fit into the men's world and social stereotypes.
We, Architektoniczki don't know, that's why we open a discussion, we talk, we ask.